Last night (Tuesday, 12/6/16) the House and Senate voted to pass the "Heartbeat bill" HB493. This bans all abortions, no exceptions, after a heartbeat is detected. A heartbeat can be detected as early as 6 weeks, a time when many women don't even realize they are pregnant. This ban was slipped in at the last minute as an amendment to an unrelated bill.
The House also moved to pass HB127, which outlaws ALL abortions after 20 weeks, no exceptions.
Both of these bills are unconstitutional as they violate the viability standard. However, if signed they can set women back until lawsuits make their way through the courts, eventually ending up at SCOTUS. I don't have to tell you what that would mean during a He Who Must Not Be Named presidency. Please call or write to the Governor and your reps.
Just some up coming activism:

On Wednesday Connie Schultz will be discussing the "Next steps" at the Shaker Dems Meeting.
-7:00 to 8:30pm on Dec 7 at Stephanie Tubbs Jones Community Building.
They will be electing officers at this meeting but I've been told you will still be welcome for the discussion. I will be working late and may not be able to make it but would love to hear about it from any of you that can go.
Based on what I can find on Facebook these bills are up for vote this week. I am having trouble confirming through the state senate website.
- HB48 (Guns Everywhere Bill), Moms Demand Action has giving testimony at the Statehouse last week. Unfortunately, all the Senators but one had left during opposing testimony (first person source). On the Government Oversight and Reform agenda for tomorrow at 830am, Yuko is on this committee. This is marked with a possible vote.
-SB127, outlaw abortions after 20 weeks. In the community and family advancement committee (CFA).
- SB254, Cremation or burial of fetal remains. In the HG (?) committee. (I find it odd that these two are in different committees and that they're not in HHS but that's a different blog entry.) I don't believe these two are up on the schedule.
I did find two abortion bills on tomorrows schedules for CFA. HB356, use of state resources to provide. HB357, remove waiting period/remove certain notice requirements. HB370, eliminate transfer agreements with surgical facilities. These are all first hearing.
My state senator is Kenny Yuko, 614-466-4583
My House Rep is Kent Smith, 614-466-5441
Governor Kasich, 61-466-3555
Neither my friend Barb nor I went to hear Connie. Barb's talking about going to the Womens March in Washington( & could maybe talk me into it :))
ReplyDeleteLet me know if anyone hears of any bus arrangements. Thx Sherry---- Also I went ahead & bought lots of postcards, if anyone wants to get together at Jackies & do some postcard bombing for the various issues.